William Butcher (1770?- )
Sarah Temper (1770?-1800)
Marriage Banns:
14 Jun 1795
St. Michael's Church, Church Street, Framlingham, Suffolk, England1
both single of this parish, also 21st and 28th June 1795
6 Jul 1795
St. Michael's Church, Church Street, Framlingham, Suffolk, England2 3
both single of this parish, by banns, witnesses Robert Hayward and John Bridges
Suffolk Family History Society - Framlingham St Michael, (2005 own copy). Banns page: 21.
Ibid. Baptisms 1718-1841 page:123.
Ibid. Marriages 1560-1920 page:92.
Ibid. Banns page: 24.
Ibid. Baptisms 1718-1841 page:135.
Ibid. Burials 1765-1920 page: 43.
Ibid. Burials 1795-1920 page:43.