See also
William Pendol (1785?- )
Ann Ramplin (1786?- )
Marriage Banns:
16 Jul 1809
St. Margaret's Church, The Street, Whatfield, Suffolk, England1
both of this parish, also 23rd and 30th July 1809
31 Aug 1809
St. Margaret's Church, The Street, Whatfield, Suffolk, England2
both of this parish, by banns, witnesses Charles Pendol and Elizabeth Ramplin
Suffolk Records Office (Ipswich) - Parish Records. Whatfield St. Margaret fiche:4 of 10. Suffolk Record Office (Ipswich), Suffolk Record Office, Gateacre Lane, Ipswich, Suffolk, England.
Ibid. Whatfield St. Margaret fiche:3 of 10. Suffolk Record Office (Ipswich), Suffolk Record Office, Gateacre Lane, Ipswich, Suffolk, England.
Ibid. Whatfield St. Margaret fiche:2 of 10. Suffolk Record Office (Ipswich), Suffolk Record Office, Gateacre Lane, Ipswich, Suffolk, England.
The Federation of Family History Societies, National Burial Index for England & Wales v.3, (2010 own copy).